JYU MEG laboratory

Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research (CIBR)

Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research (CIBR) provides research facilities and support for neuroscience across faculty boundaries.

Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research houses state-of-the-art techniques for measuring and stimulating the nervous system, ranging from the single-neuron level to the brain and bodily functions. These are used in research activities that focus especially on brain changes throughout the lifespan and in relation to learning and development, well-being, and physical activity.

The Kärki building in Mattilanniemi.
Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research is located in Mattilanniemi in the Kärki building.

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Jyväskylä Brain & Mind

Study and training

We offer neuroscience training and education from basic studies to a graduate degree.

Doctoral program in cognitive neuroscience

In the Doctoral Programme in Cognitive Neuroscience, you will thoroughly familiarize yourself with the chosen research topic of the dissertation, as well as the main theories, research knowledge and research methods in the field of study. 

Image from Functional brain lab measurements

Study module in cognitive neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscience study module (CIBKOK) is aimed at all students with interest in brain research regardless of their background disciplines. These minor studies start from the basics and give an introduction on how the nervous system works, how it can be studied and how it relates to different aspects of human function. Learning outcomes are understanding the principles of brain function and dysfunction, brain development and methods to record and analyse neural activity. The study module is open for all students of the University of Jyväskylä. 

MEG driving license

CIBR organises 3-day courses for researchers, who are starting data acquisition with MEG. The course includes theoretical background of brain measurements with MEG, hands-on training in our MEG lab, information on lab environment and security, best practices in CIBR, and very basics of data analysis. The course is organised once per semester, or according to user needs.

To sign up for the MEG driving licence course, please follow the news/events section for the schedule and instructions for registration.

More information: Simo Monto

MEG-laboratorio aivotutkimuskeskuksessa

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