Methods Clinic Dec 14th at 13-15: basics of scripting and programming for MEG/EEG analysis
Dear MEG-users,
Welcome to our next Methods Clinic session, organized on Thu 14th December at 13 - 15 in Aa261, the 2nd floor Analysis class in the Kärki building. We will have a look at basics of scripting and programming for MEG/EEG analysis.
This will be the first of probably several sessions focusing on Matlab and Python. The aim of the day is to get started with these tools.
CIBR järjestää tämän vuoden viimeisen metodiklinikan to 14.12. klo 13 - 15. Aiheena on Matlab- ja Python-ohjelmoinnin perusteet MEG/EEG-analyysiä varten. Koulutus pidetään Kärki-rakennuksen toisen kerroksen analyysiluokassa 261.
CIBR Staff