Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research (CIBR)

Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research (CIBR) provides research facilities and support for neuroscientific research across different disciplines.

CIBR houses state-of-the-art techniques for measuring and stimulating brain, ranging from single neuron level to the brain and body functions. Research activities focus especially on brain changes throughout the lifespan in context of learning and development, interventions and wellbeing, and physical exercise.

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Join us to Brain and Language 2021 - Virtual Conference with great topics and speakers! REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT NOW! …

Congratulations @MvKujala and @ElisaRuohonen on approved funding decisions from @SuomenAkatemia ! #jyubrain #brainresearch

Lou et al. studied Brain responses of dysphoric and control participants during a self‐esteem implicit association test. Read the interesting article …

Read the recent paper by @PsyXqr et al. on Magnetoencephalography Responses to Unpredictable and Predictable Rare Somatosensory Stimuli in Healthy Adult …

Recent results by Rantanen and co-authors:"The early depression-related bias in information processing may have maladaptive effects on the way depressed individuals …

Aivoviikon satoa! Maaliskuussa Aivoviikolla julkaisimme maksuttomia aivoterveyttä tarkastelevia videoluentoja. Yleisölle tarjottiin myös mahdollisuus kysyä aivoihin liittyviä kysymyksiä! #aivoviikko #jyubrain @JYUedupsy @JYUsport_health

Great work, congratulations @natalianl12 and co-authors for the publication on behavioral and brain measures of morphological processing in school-age children! @uniofjyvaskyla

Interesting findings by Jan Wikgren an co-authors: Elevated genetic risk for #MetabolicSyndrome negatively affects #cognition even at young age. @uniofjyvaskyla @JYUedupsy