MEG Methods Clinics and extra training on MEG stimulus equipment

The CIBR Methods Clinic will continue in the fall. We will still cover some basic things, but are hoping to putting more emphasis on methdological issues proposed by MEG researchers. Thus, please send your ideas and requests for Method Clinic topics to!

We are going to have a Methods Clinic session every second to last Tuesday of each month. Thus, the first session will be 21st August at 13-15. The preliminary topic is pre-processing and averaging of MEG data using interactive and script-based MNE-Python and Jupyter notebooks — certainly a central topic for everyone, but in particular for newcomers. Welcome!

Also don’t forget that in the coming season, our brave engineering team has prepared to show you the secrets of some of the toys people use to harass unsuspecting volunteers in the MEG lab. Come and see how various limbs are made to move, how irritating simple beep sounds can get, and prove yourself how an unmoving fixation cross moves by itself after all. Special guest star: Mr Pain.

The final release date for this exciting episode will be announced in fall 2018. Don't forget to follow the news at your closest galactic announcement board!