Brain Breakfast 12th September - PhD Students Special!

  • Aika 12.09.2017 klo 08.3011.00 (Europe/Helsinki / UTC300)
  • Paikka Staff Lounge/Academic cafe in the Lozzi fireplace room (Seminaarinmäki, Keskussairaalantie 4, Building P, 2nd floor)
  • Yhteyshenkilön nimi
  • Lisää tapahtuma kalenteriin iCal

You are warmly welcome to CIBR (Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research) Brain Breakfast!

When?     Tuesday 12th September at 8:30 – 11:00 am
Where?    Staff Lounge/Academic cafe in the Lozzi fireplace room (Seminaarinmäki, Keskussairaalantie 4, Building P, 2nd floor)
What?    Buffet breakfast will be served at 8:30 – 9:15.

All CIBR doctoral students, unite!

The main aim of this Brain Breakfast is to establish a CIBR Phd Student council. The idea is to bring together CIBR-students from different faculties and provide a plattform where doctoral reasearchers can exchange research interests, discuss training needs and organise events.  CIBR has some resources for the council, but we want you to take lead. This way the council serves best the needs of Phd-students.

Please come to share your ideas, comments and needs.

Registration by email to Marja ( by 6th September, first 30 researchers can be fit to the Staff Lounge. (If you haven’t already done, please inform us also your research topic and department in the email).

Please inform other possibly interested researchers/students. Also undergraduate students, who are planning a PhD in cognitive neuroscience or related field, are welcome!

If you would be interested to join the council, but the timing is not possible, please inform about that as well.