MEG reservation calendar

In order to make a reservation for time in the MEG laboratory you first need to have a research permission to use MEG. For this, please contact or call 040 805 3533 (Tiina Parviainen).

The Jyväskylä Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Research gives user rights to "Meg Lab" calendar in after receiving a research permission. Unless stated otherwise via the internal messaging of JYU MEG users, each project can reserve 3 full days (can be devided to half days) of measurement time per calendar month. And 1 measurement day = 8h unless otherwise agreed with MEG personnel. And even then, 10h of total lab time/day and/or total 40h/week should not be exceeded in normal situation due to the reasons of helium recycling. So please agree about the extended measurement days or weeks beforehand.

In addition, all free time slots within the two weeks during weekdays are free for reservation. All reserved time slots (excluding pilots) should have a measurement subject agreed. This means that all the time slots should be reserved according to real, agreed measurements. For making measurement reservations, it is possible to hold on to the reserved time slots for two to three days. How far in to the future projects can make reservations should be discussed with MEG personnel.

Measurements during weekends are possible. However, due to the helium recycling, this has to be agreed weekend-day-by-weekend-day well before with MEG personnel. This way we can make sure, that there will be helium also for other users.

How to make a reservation:

  • Go to login with your username and password (Haka for JYU users).
  • Find Meg laboratory's calendar. Instructions for using the Infrabooking system can be found within the system after logging in.
  • Find a free time slot and make your reservation. Make sure you reserve enough time for preparation also.
  • If you want to make reservation outside 9 -17, please contact CIBR support personnel.
  • When making your reservation, make sure that the name of the name of the project is marked to the title line. Also put the text “pilot” to the title line if you are just testing the system or doing something other than actual research. In case you are having a real participant, mark also either "preliminary" or "confirmed" depending if you are only planning to have a measurement or you have actually confirmed your participant. Do not hold the preliminary condition on the reserved time slot for longer than few days.
  • Contact Viki-Veikko Elomaa if there are problems.