BC-Well seminar 22.2.2023
Professor Wolfgang Tschacher, University of Bern: Embodiment, social interaction and aesthetic experience
Assistant Professor Keegan Knittle, University of Jyväskylä: Recreation, Routines and Rewards: Overlapping pathways to physical activity behavior change
Registration to the onsite seminar (by 19.2.): https://forms.gle/hUZA3Pq7ChV2v7kJ7
Ask for the Zoom participation link (by 21.2.): cibr-info@jyu.fi
Tschacher: “Embodiment or embodied cognition is a novel perspective that has been adopted by many disciplines throughout the cognitive sciences and humanities. I will present examples from studies ranging from social psychology to empirical aesthetics, which have shown that emotions, cognitive appraisals and aesthetic experiences are grounded bodily. At the same time, this "corporeal turn" has pointed us once again to the unresolved philosophical questions of the relation between mind and body.” Read here more about Tschacher >>
Knittle’s research interests include within-persons approaches to studying motivation for physical activity, (digital) health behavior change interventions embedded within clinical settings, self-management and meta-analyses on a wide range of topics. Knittle also leads the international Master’s program in the Psychology of Physical Activity, Health, and Well-Being (PsyAct). Prior to joining JYU, he worked as a University Researcher and Postdoc in the Social Psychology Unit at the University of Helsinki, completed a Postdoc at the Population Health Sciences Institute at Newcastle University (UK), and completed his PhD in Health and Clinical Psychology at Leiden University in The Netherlands. Read here more about Knittle >>