
Researcher of the Month: Piia Astikainen

Jyväskylä Brain and Mind consists of researchers doing neuroscientific research in different disciplines at the University of Jyväskylä. “Researcher of the month” introduces the people of our community, and their current research news.

Brain Talks 6.2.2023

Welcome to the first Brain Talks of 2023. We have the honour of hosting Professor Antoine Adamantidis from the University of Bern. There is also plenty of time for discussion over a cup of coffee.

Brain Talks -seminar on 28.11.

Brain Talks are multidisciplinary seminars targeted at all neuro-oriented researchers across the faculties, and others interested in this field of research. Warmly welcome!

KSSHP:n ja JYU:n tiedepäivä: Yhdessä enemmän 29.10.2020
Oct 29, 2020 from 09:00 AM to 02:30 PM Zoom,

Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin ja Jyväskylän yliopiston yhteinen monitieteinen tiedepäivä järjestetään tänä vuonna teemalla: Yhdessä enemmän – terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin infrastruktuurien hyödyntäminen yhteisvoimin.

7th An­nual Re­search Se­mi­nar of CIBR
Dec 11, 2019 from 01:00 PM Mattilanniemi, Agora, Auditorium 2,

Welcome to the 7th Annual Research Seminar of CIBR on Wednesday, 11th of December at 12.00 in Agora, Auditorium 2.

Fractures force pilots to learn

The Meaningful Moments in Learning project is conducted in cooperation with the Air Force Academy and Firstbeat Technologies. It comprises researchers from the Faculty of Education and Psychology, the Department of Teacher Education and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research. jyunity,fi

Aivoviikon yleisötapahtuma
Mar 12, 2019 from 02:00 PM to 08:00 PM Mattilanniemi, Agora, Auditorium 2,

Jo perinteinen aivoviikon yleisötapahtuma järjestetään Agorassa 12.3. klo 14-18.