Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin ja Jyväskylän yliopiston yhteinen monitieteinen tiedepäivä järjestetään tänä vuonna teemalla: Yhdessä enemmän – terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin infrastruktuurien hyödyntäminen yhteisvoimin.
News & Events
Welcome to the 7th Annual Research Seminar of CIBR on Wednesday, 11th of December at 12.00 in Agora, Auditorium 2.
Information about CIBR events this year, as well as some relevant news for all neuroscience -oriented researchers.
In brain research, interaction, science blog by Tiina Parviainen August 2019
The Meaningful Moments in Learning project is conducted in cooperation with the Air Force Academy and Firstbeat Technologies. It comprises researchers from the Faculty of Education and Psychology, the Department of Teacher Education and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research. jyunity,fi
Jo perinteinen aivoviikon yleisötapahtuma järjestetään Agorassa 12.3. klo 14-18.
BC-Well seminars strengthen the profiling area "BC-Well - Behaviour change, health, and well-being across the lifespan", and facilitate interaction between researchers from different disciplines. Coffee serving and plenty of time for discussion. Please remember to register!
InterLearn- Center of Excellence organizes a Symposium that focuses on brain activity and methodology used to measure learning and socio-emotional neural responses. The CoE warmly welcomes all interested in topic of measuring brain processes related to learning and emotional processing or control in school-aged children, including those with learning problems.
Jyväskylä Brain and Mind consists of researchers doing neuroscientific research in different disciplines at the University of Jyväskylä. “Researcher of the month” introduces the people of our community, and their current research news.
Jyväskylä Brain and Mind consists of researchers doing neuroscientific research in different disciplines at the University of Jyväskylä. “Researcher of the month” introduces the people of our community, and their current research news.